Our Story

At SteelForme, we’ve always been obsessed with details: those subtle yet significant characteristics that define a well-designed product. When we started SteelForme in 2010, we quickly grew dissatisfied with the homogeneity of mass-produced goods on the market. We began to ask ourselves, why settle for status quo? What if we could do things entirely differently and produce our own truly one-of-a-kind products, but in small, affordable quantities? That’s when our commitment to bespoke batch craftsmanship began.

In 2012, we setup a production facility near Toronto and purchased our first laser machine.  We collaborated with OHM Industrial Designers to design our Pi, Stones, Herd and Confucius collections.  The lines were inspired by Philosophy, Math & Nature and have been shipped to customers around the world including customers in Japan, Australia, South Africa, Europe & North America.

“Smart, energetic team that breathes passion and emotion into creative design.
With design, development & production under one roof.
The result, is a tableware collection that matches your unique outlook on life”


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